FireFly--- Magic of the wonderful Jonaki


Jonaki (Scientific name : Lampyridae) Light

After the evening the darkness of night fell. The moon hidden behind the clouds. Suddenly, a group of green-green light started running in the flower bush. Once flickered, once it is extinguished.

This nice light ball is basically a firefly insect. The people who did not hear the name of the Firefly insect, but finding it is almost impossible to find a buggy town in the building. So the people who never enjoyed the nights of the village, they have never seen the light of Jonaki light.


Sometimes the question arises in the light of Jonaki's light, why do the light from their faces burn? The kidneys probably know the magical magic.
What really magic knows? How do they light the light?

Originally, Jonaki is a kind of chemical substance called Luciferin. When the air enters the body, the oxygen in the air reacts with the Luciferin and produces light.

Through this process, the firefly burns light, it is called bioluminescence. Another interesting fact is, we know that light generates heat. But there is very little heat produced from the light of Jonaki. That is why the light of Jonaki is called 'cold light'.

The secret of Jonaki's light is that. Now tell me, if you know the magic of magic

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