Plants That Attract Dragonflies to Eat Mosquitos in Your Environment

Understanding the Food-chains in the Nature, where we see can Eco-logical activities and its inter-relations in the plants, insects and Animals. we can see and feel when its makes useful facts in our Daily Life.Such as Dragonflies,Some plants Atrracts to the Dragonflies and
may it cause Pollination of plant during the times Dragonflies eats Mosquitoes around of your Environments. A  single Dragonfly can eat 30 to 100 of mosquitoes per day. Dragonflies, which eat insects as adults, are a great control on the mosquito population.Hundreds of dragonflies of different species will gather in swarms,either for feeding or migration.
Dragonflies are insects that have long bodies, transparent wings, and large eyes.

There are over 5,000 species of dragonflies that are part of the scientific infraorder called Anisoptera. Because dragonflies are insects they have 6 legs, a thorax, a head, and an abdomen. The abdomen is long and segmented. Despite having 6 legs, the dragonfly doesn't walk very well. It is a great flyer, however. Dragonflies can hover in one place, fly extremely fast, and even fly backwards. They are some of the fastest flying insects in the world reaching speeds of over 30 miles per hour.

Here are some plants, you can grow to attract more dragonflies into your backyard and out of the door of your House. so its helps to kills Mosquitoes and Stay Healthy.

1. Black Eyed Sausan

Black-Eyed Susan - Yellow Flower with Black Center

2.Swamp Milkweed

Swamp Milkweed - Pink Flower That Grow in Bunches with White Center

3.Meadow sage

meadow sage in field of yellow flowers

4. White Yarrow

White Yarrow - Tiny white flowers that grow in bunches

5.Arrow Head

Arrowhead or Duck Potato - Tiny white flowers with yellow centers

6. Water Horsetails

Horsetail - Long tall green swamp and pond plant with black striations

7. Water Lily
Water lily - white flower with yellow center that grows on top or near lily pads

Fun Facts About Dragonflies

Dragonflies don't sting and generally don't bite people.
  • They have been around for 300 million years. 

  • Prehistoric dragonflies were much larger and could have a wingspan of 2 ½ feet!

  • When first hatched, the larva or nymphs live in the water for around a year. 

  • Once they leave the water and begin to fly, they only live for around a month. 

  • People in Indonesia like to eat them for a snack. 

  • Having a dragonfly land on your head is considered good luck. 

  • They are not really related to common flies. 

  • Groups of dragonflies are called swarms.

  • Watching dragonflies, similar to bird watching, is called oding which comes from the order classification odonata.

  • Predators that eat dragonflies include fish, ducks, birds, and water beetles.

  • They need to warm up in the sun during the morning before taking off and flying for most of the day.

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  1. Helal dear..Do you know the answer to this riddle.."What demands a Lady Bug when she goes to the pharmacy?."...I expect your answer by tomorrow morning🙂

  2. Good afternoon, Helal....mistery the pharmacy Lady Bug asks for an ointment for the black points🙂
